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Road Stud - Square 100mm Ribbed Aluminium
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Model: SMARS1
Aluminium ribbed square road stud - 100mmAluminium road studs are used for permanent delineation of roadways and pathways. They assist the visually impaired and inform drivers and road users of the carriageway edge. Aluminium metal studs are generally recommended for low to medium traffic volumes. T..
Road Stud - Square 100mm Smooth Aluminium
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Aluminium smooth finish square road stud - 100mmOur smooth finish aluminium road studs are used for permanent delineation of roadways and pathways. They assist the visually impaired and inform drivers and road users of the carriageway edge. Aluminium studs are generally recommended for low to medium..
Road Stud - Square 100mm Stainless Steel Ribbed
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Model: SMSSR100
Stainless steel ribbed square road stud - 100mmStainless steel road studs are used for permanent delineation of roadways and pathways. They assist the visually impaired and inform drivers and road users of the carriageway edge. Manufactured with a ribbed finish to aid slip resistance and made from s..
Road Stud Adhesive
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Model: SMER410
Road Stud Epoxy AdhesiveSuperBond Epoxy Acrylate Anchor Resin 410ml. Usage - each tube of adhesive is sufficent for around 30 square stainless steel or aluminium 100mm x 100mm road studs.Use with heavy duty adhesive gunLead time - 1 - 3 days***All Prices Exclude VAT***..
Model: SMERG
Road Stud Adhesive gunFor use with SuperBond Epoxy Acrylate Anchor Resin 410mlLead time - 1 - 3 days***All Prices Exclude VAT***..
Tactile stud stainless steel -  Cross Grip 25mm
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Tactile Stud Cross Grip pattern in stainless steel - 25mm diameterTactile Paving is a system of textured ground surface indicators found on many footpaths, stairs and train stations platforms to warn blind and vision impaired pedestrians of a hazard. Tactile warnings provide a distinctive surface pa..
Tactile stainless steel studs - Plain 25mm
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Tactile Stud Plain Finish | Stainless Steel Studs - 25mm diameterTactile Paving is a system of textured ground surface indicators found on many footpaths, stairs and train stations platforms to assist blind and vision impaired pedestrians. Tactile warnings provide a distinctive surface pattern of "t..
Tactile stud stainless steel - Circular Groove 25mm
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Tactile Stud circular groove pattern in stainless steel - 25mm diameterTactile Paving is a system of textured ground surface indicators found on many footpaths, stairs and train stations platforms to warn of a hazard to blind and visually impaired pedestrians. Tactile warnings provide a distinctive ..
Tactile stud brass - Plain 25mm
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Model: TPSTPTB25
Tactile Stud in brass, plain 25mm diameterPaving is a system of textured ground surface indicators found on many footpaths, stairs and train station platforms to warn blind and visually impaired pedestrians of a potential hazard. Tactile warnings provide a distinctive surface pattern of "truncated d..
Tactile Stud - Applicator Gun with Resin
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Applicator Gun for Tactile Stud AdhesiveApplicator gun required for fixing tactile studs. The tube of resin is inserted into the gun and the 2 parts of the adhesive are mixed in the correct quantities for fixing the studs in place securely.1 tube of resin fixes up to 60 studs.12mm drill bit required..
Tactile Stud fixing - Resin for Stainless Steel Studs
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Resin for Tactile and Demarcation StudsResin required for fixing studs into surface or paving. The surface is drilled and the studs inserted and held in place securely by the resin. The 2 parts of the resin are held in the tube and are mixed in the correct quantities.Requires applicator gun, sold se..
Demarcation Stud - stainless steel - 25mm
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Model: TPSTPD25
Demarcation Stud in Stainless Steel for marking boundaries - 25mmA low domed marker stud with minimal trip hazard. They are designed with a low profile so as not to confuse the blind or partially sighted (unlike tactile studs with a domed profile which are used to alert the visually impaired to..
Showing 1 to 12 of 21 (2 Pages)
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