With World Car Free Day having recently taken place on the 22nd September, encouraging everyone to give up using their cars for the day, it has got us thinking about the positive effects that walking and cycling can have for both our mental and physical well-being, as well as the benefits to the environment and also to our bank accounts, with the current rising prices of fuel. Active Travel England have been working hard on their strategies to improve the walking and cycling routes infrastructure across England and there has also been a lot of research into the links between a healthier, happier workforce and greater productivity in the workplace. Though, with the hustle and bustle of daily life it can be difficult to fit everything in whilst maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One possible way to improve this is to spend less time in the car and more time walking or cycling, and the daily commute is an excellent place to start with this. During 2020-2021 there was a massive 50% upturn in cycling habits, and we feel it is important to keep this going and promote it further. So why not take a look at how you can help to encourage your employees to change their daily commuting habits...

Cycle Parking Stands

To start with in order to promote cycling it is necessary to ensure that your employees have a safe space to secure their bicycles during their working hours. Providing a cycle parking stand is an excellent and economical way to achieve this without taking up a lot of additional space. They come in different sizes, so you can choose which will be best suited to your workspace and workforce. If you have a large site / business premises then you could use multiple cycle parking stands across your grounds to make it more convenient for everyone.

Other On Site Considerations

  • Make sure that your Safety Signs are clear and that road speeds on site are low.
  • If needed set up pedestrian areas and ensure that pavements are clear and level.
  • Make sure there are accessible routes onto and around your site that are regularly maintained; Tactile studs and tactile paving can assist with creating a safe environment for everyone.

Cycle to Work Scheme

The government have provided documentation regarding the cycle to work scheme, detailing the benefits and savings that can be made by both employers and employees by participating in the scheme. This can be used to incentivise your staff to purchase a bike using the scheme, which can save them up to 48% on a new bike purchase. Follow the link for the full cycle to work scheme guidance and help to make it as easy as possible for your employees to make an environmentally friendly change that also benefits their well-being.

If you have any questions please do get in touch with our customer service team who will be able to assist you.