How to Identify CO2 Fire Extinguishers
CO2 Extinguishers, can be easily identified by the BLACK coloured section that is labelled CO2 and the extinguishers also have an easily identifiable black horn at the end. They should also have a Fire extinguisher ID
sign fitted nearby.
What types of fire are they suitable for?
These extinguishers contain pure carbon dioxide, which leaves no residue.
CO2 extinguishers can be used on the following:
Class B fires involving some flammable liquids.
Class Electrical fires involving equipment, such as computers and printers. They are extremely effective on electrical fires and are highly recommended for use on them.
Please note that CO2 extinguishers are not suitable for use on Class A (Combustible Solids) Class C (flammable gases), Class D (flammable metals) or Class F (cooking oils / fats).
How do CO2 Fire Extinguishers work?
CO2 extinguishers work by replacing the oxygen around the flames with CO2, cutting off the oxygen means that the fire is not able to continue burning. As they do not act as a coolant they are ineffective on fires involving combustible solids. The CO2 extinguishers discharge gas that has been stored in the extinguisher as a liquid. The pressure used to create the gas when the handle is squeezed causes CO2 gas to be discharged at a great speed. This is why they are not recommended for use on cooking oils and fats, as the speed the gas emerges at can cause the flames to jump onto surrounding surfaces worsening the situation.
As they replace the oxygen in the air with CO2 they should be used with caution, especially within confined spaces as there is a risk of asphyxiation.
Where to 'fit' Fire Extinguishers
To meet regulations fire extinguishers should be fixed in a permanent position; this is to discourage them from being moved around. There should always be one available within 30m of occupants.
As well as being fitted in place they should also be paired with their relevant ID sign. The ID sign provides users with a quick and easy means of identifying the fire extinguisher as well as the types of fire it is suitable to be used on. These signs are designed to protect staff, visitors and guests by minimising risk in the case of an emergency.
Where should you use CO2 Extinguishers?
If your premises has a high fire risk from electrical equipment then CO2 extinguishers are recommended. They should often be in schools, hospitals, and offices. They pair particularly well with Foam Extinguishers, as this covers the majority of fire risks likely to be found within these environments.
For more information on the different types of Fire Extinguishers available follow the link to our Short Guide to Fire Extinguishers blog and take a look at our full range of Fire Extinguishers and IDs, to make sure that you have the right kind of extinguisher for your property to help keep everyone safe in the event of a fire.
If you have any questions about any of our products then please get in touch with our knowledgeable customer service team who will be happy to assist you.
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